Monday, July 5, 2010

What is Kabbalah? -

Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism. The Kabbalah was fully understood by very few people. They are genuine Kabbalists, that don't have full knowledge though.
Here are some famous Kabbalists:

Ramban- R` Moshe Ben Nahman (author of many Sefarim on Torah: Rambam Al HaTorah, Ma'amar HaVikuah`, Hasagot Al HaRambam). [He lived around 850 years ago].

Ramak- R` Moshe Kordevero [He lived around 500 years ago].

Ketem Paz- R` Shimon Lavi (author of the most in-depth commentary on the Zohar: Ketem Paz). [He lived around 470 years ago].

Ari HaKadosh- R` Yitshak Luria (author of many Sefarim on Kabbalah: Orhot Tsaddikim, Pri Ets Haim, Sha'ar HaKawanot, Sha'ar HaGilgilim, Sha'ar Ruah` HaKodesh, Ma'amarei H`azal, and more). [He lived around 450 years ago]. {His teacher was R` Moshe Kordevero}.
NOTE: R`Yitshak Luria, didn't write his books- R` Haim Wital did. R` Haim Wital- was his disciple.

Ohr HaHayim HaKadosh- R` Haim Ben Attar (author of many Sefarim on Torah: Ohr HaHayim Al HaTorah, Rishon LeTsion Al HaNakh, and Pri To'ar Al Shulhan Aruch Yoreh De'ah). [He lived around 350 years ago].

Gra- R` Eliahu (author of over fifty Sefarim: Aderet Eliahu, Divreh Eliahu, and Even Sh'lomo). [He lived around 310 years ago].

H`ida- R` Haim Yosef Dawid Azulai (author of over seventy Sefarim on Torah: Kiseh Dawid, Moreh Ba'etsbah, Birkeh Yosef, Tsiporen Shamir, Kesher Gadol, and Hayim Sha'al). [He lived around 270 years ago]. {His teacher was Ohr HaHayim}.

H`abif- R` Haim Palagi (author of over seventy Sefarim on Torah: Kaf HaHayim, Hayim Be'Yad, Lev Hayim, and Hakikeh Lev). [He lived around 230 years ago]. {He looked up to H`ida, and quoted many Hashkafot from him}.

Ben Ish Hai- R` Yosef Haim (author of over thirty Sefarim on Torah: Mekabtsiel, Ben Ish Hai, Ben Yehoyadah, Od Yosef Hai, Aderet Eliahu, and Rav Pe'alim). [He lived around 170 years ago].

Kaf HaHayim- R` Hayim Sofer (author of many Sefarim on Torah: Kaf HaHayim, Yagel Yaacov, and Yismah` Yisrael). [He lived around 110 years ago]. {His teacher was Ben Ish Hai, and R` Abbdallah Somech}.

Rav Yitshak Kaduri (author of a mystical responsa: She'elot U'Teshuvot HaRav Kaduri). [He lived around our time].{His Sandak was Ben Ish Hai}.

Rishon LeTsion- Rav Mordechai Eliahu (author of a responsa, and a commentary: Ma'amar Mordechai, and Hosafot Al Kitsur Shulhan Aruch). [He lived around our time].

There are levels to the Kabbalah. The three main are: Hochmah, Binah , and Da'at.
Keter- crown
Hochmah- knowledge
Binah- understanding
Gevurah- strength
Gevurah- strength
Malchut- kingdom

The Ari HaKadosh admitted that his knowledge wasn't complete, and that the last person to have complete knowledge of Kabbalah was the Ramban.

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